
Archive for February, 2011

Toddler Bayleaf

Mint is hoping that Bayleaf becomes a genius so she insisted that we get Bayleaf  peg blocks to play with.  I picked out a xylophone for Bayleaf to play with as well so that she would turn out round in the arts as well.


I have started feeding Bayleaf some solid food in the morning, but she’s not too impressed with it.  It takes a bit longer to feed her this way and a lot messier.


Bayleaf’s favorite toy is her dollhouse and when she’s left to her own devices she will crawl to it and play with it till she needs something.


Mint’s been enjoying the Sim Grub game that we recently acquired, she says it helps her relax.  While Mint practices throwing, I’ve taken to trying to teach Bayleaf to talk, it’s not going to well.


On a better note, one morning I finished potty training Bayleaf.  Mint and I are both glad we got this training done with Bayleaf.


Mint has been having more luck with teaching Bayleaf to walk than I am with talking.  They practice in Bayleaf’s room and in the dining area.


I’ve taken to cleaning more and when I got home from work I had to fix the sink as it was spraying water everywhere and then feed Bayleaf as Mint is more tired during this pregnancy.  At least Bayleaf sleeps thru the night now, which allows Mint and I to get a full nights sleep before the next baby comes.


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Expecting Again

Bubbie Chiffon, my boss, has become a good friend of mine and calls frequently as well as giving advice in my work.  His son Carmine recently was married to Jelle Belle Sprinkles and he can’t wait for his grandkids.  He said I need to improve my handiness so I decided to tinker with the sprinklers and install a timer on them.


I got Bayleaf all feed, cleaned up, and put down for the night before Mint made it home from her work.  I even had made autumn salad for her supper so she wouldn’t have do anything but relax.  I’d been thinking about another child since Bayleaf’s birthday, so I brought up the subject tonight with Mint and she was enthusiastic about a larger family too.


Since I’m up first in the mornings, I get to feed Bayleaf breakfast before going to work.  Mint enjoys the time to sleep in since she sometimes has to work later in the evening.  Bayleaf’s normally an agel but when she’s hungary and in her bed she gets quite upset, till her daddy gets her out.


Mint says that she’s going to toilet train Bayleaf.  Bayleaf just looks so much like her mother.


Mint has been getting up at all hours to be sick in the toilet.  She even informed that everytime she goes to potty train Bayleaf she gets ill.  I think she might be pregnant again or at least I hope so.


Mint came up to me when I was finishing up cleaning the kitchen to give me the news that she was indeed pregnant with our second child.  I told her I hope the baby is another girl and Mint just smiled at me.  I also finished painting Bayleaf’s room and moved her bed into it as well as a few new toys.


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And baby makes three

The delivery went well and Mint and the baby are just great.  They let us go home that afternoon.  I have a darling little girl.  We named her Bayleaf.


I adore my little Bayleaf.  She’s the perfect baby.  I just can’t seem to sit her down at times.  And I was right, she was a little girl.  All though I don’t know where she gets her coloring from.


Mint spends more time with her, since she’s still on maternity leave and I have work.  While on maternity leave, Mint has been fixing my favorite meal for supper, she says it’s to boost her cooking skill so when she does return to work she can get a promotion.


I do get to spend time with my Bayleaf in the mornings before work I do the morning feeding to let Mint get some more sleep.  Bayleaf sure is an enthusiastic eater.


With a baby in the house it seems that one of us is always up while the other is asleep or at work so sometimes we don’t see much of each another.  When Bayleaf is a sleeping, Mint and I still find time to spend together and renewing our relationship.


Bayleaf is growing daily and it is a bit odd to have her baby bed in the living room area.  I’ve been busy harvesting and selling to make enough to add-on and so now we added an extra laundry room, bathroom, and bedroom to the back of the house.  And Mint loves the sprinkler as much as I do.



Mint finally got back to work and I had the day off, so I was watching Bayleaf.  I decided to invite over Tangerine since she has been out on maternity leave from work.  She has a wonderful little boy named Duane, who is a few months younger than Bayleaf.


Bayleaf’s first birthday is rapidly approaching so I planned a birthday party for her.  I sent out invitations out to a few friends and Mint’s boss as she wants to improve her relationship with her.  However, Mint’s boss Emma Pinot Noir didn’t show up, just her husband Merlot did.  There was dancing and eating of the cake, everyone had a great time at the party.


Bayleaf grew-up beautifully with her mother’s lovely eyes and hair color.  She did inherit my elven ears, but she is not as pale as me.  The guests did ignore the pretty new toddler.


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I was gardening with Alum and flipped to Mint to check her mood and she was autonomously doing laundry and then this while pregnant.


Then the people at the hospital freaked out after Mint was inside.  The pink haired one thinking of his wedding is Gogi Puff, he married Sky Simme and is Alum’s coworker.  I don’t remember the other sim.


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New Experience

The plane landed about midday on a Saturday.  My garden is full of weeds so I spent the afternoon and evening getting my garden back in shape, as well as plant my two new grape varieties.  Mint took the car to the Bistro to get a job, she wants to be 5 star chef one day.  We spent the weekend getting our new stuff put away.  While we were away I had some new painting done and a wall put up so that now our bedroom is separated from the living room.


Although I think Mint might have caught some stomach flu after leaving France, as she has been making several trips a day to vomit. She even gets up from bed to run to the bathroom.  So much that the toilet will not stay clean.  So I’ve decided to upgrade it to self-cleaning, it’s taking a bit long to complete thru.


I finally got a prefect lettuce plant.  It’s my first perfect plant.  Just need to keep weeding the garden, the new sprinklers do help cut the time it takes to tend to the garden.


I cleaned out all meat products out of the refrigerator, as I thought maybe that was causing Mint to be so ill.  She keeps having to run to the bathroom.


Well Mint to the doctor to find out what was wrong with her, she’s pregnant.  I’m going to be a daddy; I’m very excited about this and very happy.  I’ve taken to giving Mint massages.


Mint’s been put on maternity work and she now sometimes helps me in the garden, when we’re not playing in the sprinklers.


I love talking to the baby before leaving for work in the mornings and listening for a reply.


One evening after dinner, Mint announced that she felt the baby kick.  I had to feet too,  she’s a little miracle.  I looked up at Mint and told her I hope the baby’s a girl just like her mommy.


I spent my next paycheck on getting baby books and a baby bed to prepare for my baby.  Mint and I are reading up on pregnancy and babies since she’s so close to her due date.  Although, not everything is going well as I had a few plants die on me and I had been talking to them and weeding them, but I guess they just gave up.


I love talking to the baby.  “Yes, my little angel, daddy can’t wait to hold you in his arms.  But daddy’s got to go to work now so he can buy you as many shoes as you need.”  Yeah, Mint asks what I’ll do if it’s not a girl.


So I left to work and I hadn’t been there an hour when Mint called frantically that she was in labor.  She said she’d drive herself to the hospital.  I rushed as fast I could and she was already there and in the delivery room.


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Champs Les Sims

I hurried home after work to tell Mint the news of my new raise and bonus from a new promotion.  I also told her to pack her bags as we were going to visit Champs Les Sims, France as a belated honeymoon trip.  She was quite excited, so we packed up and set out.


After arriving at our hotel, we settled our bags into our room.  Then pulled out a map and looked at the turist booklet to see what sites were available.  Mint and I decide to first check out the nectary.


At the nectary we tried a few different types on nectar.  Mint then decided she wanted to learn how to make the nectar.  They offered the use of two nectar makers to those who wanted to try their hand at making nectar.


I helped Mint gather some grapes to press into nectar and gather a few new types for me to take home to plant in my growing garden.  I watched Mint press the grapes and then put into the machine and we had another drink while we waited for Mint’s pressing to be bottled.


We ended up staying the whole day at the nectary.   After returning to the hotel we went to bed.  On our second day Mint and I decided to do separate things for the day.  Mint wanted to finish learning the nectary and I wanted a bit of an adventure.


I looked at the board for anyone offering an adventure to travelers and picked up the one posted by Albert Furnier.   He runs the general store which is where I went to meet him and get the details of what I would need to do.  Albert wanted me to retrieve his lost item from the Celtic ruins.  While at the general store I bought an incense holder and one of cool scooters that they rent out to tourists.  I traveled through some hidden doors and placed my hand in various holes to find latches that opened doors.  I found a tent and it was late so I called Mint and told her that the adventure was taking longer that I had thought.  Mint informed that she finished learning how to make the nectar and bought a machine to take home as well as a nectar rack.  I spent the night in the tent and found the baseball first thing in the morning.


I hurried to the general store to give Albert his baseball.  He was really grateful to me for retrieving it.  Mint had wondered around town and met me at the general store.


Mint and I ate lunch out at the cafe and the proceeded to return back to the hotel, where we stayed for the remained of our trip to France.


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The Wedding Party

I earned another promotion at work and so I set about planning the wedding party.  I choose a Thursday evening at the beach for our wedding. I mingled with the guests for a while waiting for everyone to arrive.  Although there were a few that showed up uninvited and dressed inappropriate.



As the crowd was milling around, I made my way over to Mint and smiled at her.  I asked her if she was ready to get married and she just smiled at me and said yes.


As I held the ring and looked into Mint’s eyes, I poured out how I loved her and I would cherish her for our entire life together.  I slipped the ring on to her finger with a promise of my love.


Then Mint took the ring and placed it upon my finger and took my hands and told me that she loved me and would cherish me all of our life together forever.


With the exchanging of the our vows and rings, I took Mint into my arms and kissed her.  Our first kiss as a wedded couple was beautiful in the setting sun.


Our friends came up to us and congratulated us, the first being Coconut.  My boss, Bubbie Chiffon, came up to me and said the wedding party was great.


The party was winding down after dark descended, so I found Mint finishing up a drink and we went home for the after wedding celebration.


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My life is going well.  I have a great girlfriend, my garden is doing well, and I received a raise at work after assisting my boss Mr. Chiffon with his experiment.  I’m made some extra money selling my home grown vegetables and several bakers asking for my outstanding grown vegetables.  Although, I have seemed to have a stalker, she come out and stares while I work in my garden, I don’t even know her.


After selling the latest harvested crop of vegetables, I went to to the local jewelry story to pick out a ring.  I’ve decided to propose to Mint.  Stopping at Mint’s on my way home from work, I asked her if she would come over later for dinner and an evening in at my home.  She agreed and I hurried home to get everything ready.  I had to get clean from work and the prepare a dinner of fresh garden salad.  As I was waiting for her to arrive I practiced what I would say to her.



I heard the door bell ring, tell me Mint had arrived.  I invited her in  and we discussed our day and proceeded to eat  our salads.


It was getting late and I still had not asked her yet.  I was trying to find the perfect opportunity to ask her, so after dancing  around it I told Mint that I had something to ask her.


I kneeled down in front of Mint and pulled out the box and opened up and said to Mint, “Mint, your wonderful, beautiful, and fun to be with and I love you with all of my heart.  I would love for you be my wife.  So will you marry me, Mint Chocolate Chip?”


She gladly accepted my proposal of marriage.  We ended the night with the proposal and went to bed to sleep.


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