
Archive for July, 2021

Alum doesn’t stay long in his new home. He goes out to fish in the nearest pond learning the fishing skill and catching a few fish.

Alum is going to be self-employed fisherman and to do that he was required to head down to city hall and register with them to be self-employed angler in Dragon Valley.

Alum wished to take a gardening class to get himself stated on his lifetime goal, but he only has $100 simeleons to his pocket. Since he also just wants to learn the gardening skill, he stops by the local garden to get some free seeds and produce to plant.

It turned out that Alum was only skilled enough to plant a few of the plants he picked up. So he quickly got them planted to start his garden.

Alum got up bright and early for a day of fishing. But the days stayed mostly overcast as he fished. He hoped to get enough to afford the gardening class. He stopped fishing when he was hungry to eat an apple.

A trip to the grocery store to sell his fish didn’t earn enough for a gardening class, so he sold rest of the produce he had picked but was not skilled enough to plant. That resulted in enough funds for a gardening class. He attended the class and received some free seeds to start him out on.

After completing the gardening class, Alum wanted to fish for a bit. He fished in the pond near the science center until he needed to return home to use the bathroom.

Alum wanted to garden and quickly had his starter seeds in the ground. It was getting late so he fixed himself a supper of fresh salad and went to bed.

Alum wanted to learn more about cooking, so he could eat more than just salad. He had a cooking book on his bookcase that he read first thing in the morning.

The local restaurant called Alum up and asked if he could bring them very nice lettuce. It turned out none of the starter seeds where lettuce and he didn’t have any growing. Alum took a quick trip to the local garden to pick some lettuce to plant in his garden. Hopefully, he can get them grown in time to delivery to the restaurant.

Alum wished to read a gardening book and his social needs where dropping quickly, so he headed off to the library. Also he wished to have his first kiss, so he’ll need to find someone for that. He apparently took a wrong turn and ended up at the art gallery. He met Chole O’Riley, but he wasn’t interested in her and she was married and pregnant. Alum was half way to being friends with Chole when they wondered off to view the artworks.

Alum did manage to get to the library as it was across the street, but it looked pretty deserted to him. How was he to find some one to kiss here.

Before, Alum could find a book to read, a cop walked into the library. Alum introduces himself to Breadan O’Shea. To see if Alum might like him they find out they have compatible signs but Alum doesn’t currently find Breadan attractive and is not single. But they just continued talking on their own and Alum made his first friend in Dragon Valley.

Braedan did leave and Alum got around to reading his gardening book. He quickly learned some new ways to garden when he finished it.

Alum tended to his garden the next day and his apple tree is the first grown plant and weeding need to done as well.

After selling his fish and harvested vegetables, Alum had wanted to buy something new for his home. The educational whiteboard was purchased and Alum used it one morning.

He wanted to fish and so he spent another day fishing. He then sold what he had caught. Alum wants to travel to Egypt, but he’s not bring in much simeleons with his fish and he has bills to pay.

Chole has called and chatted with Alum several times and now they are friends. Chloe is his second friend he’s made.

Alum’s garden in coming along, though he is still waiting on his lettuce to produce some very nice lettuce to take to the restaurant. Alum even fertilized them with some freshly caught fish.

Alum wanted to be better friends with Braedan, so Alum invited him over to get know him better. Also, since it didn’t seem to be any better options for Alum to kiss, he’d see if Braedan would work out. Turns out Alum didn’t even have to get to good friends for Braedan to accept his flirts. The became good friends from the flirting and Alum got his first kiss.

Then Alum wanted to give Braedan a gift since they were now good friends. Braedan enjoyed his gift of fresh vegetables.

They continued to be cute flirting back at each other for the night and ended up with Braedan woohoo with Alum.

Alum went to bed afterward and Braedan said he was leaving, but after Alum was asleep Braedan came back into the room and stayed the night. I guess he changed his mind about leaving.

Alum was up first and took care of his garden first thing. Then had breakfast until Braedan was up and giving a lecture using the whiteboard that Alum had worked on.

After finishing his lecture, Braedan flirted with Alum. Alum enjoyed the morning with Braedan with flirting back and forth which ended up with a wish to woohoo with Braedan.

The day was hastening on and Alum still needed to delivery his lettuce plants to the restaurant. Alum did say goodbye to Braedan and left for the restaurant where they paid him for the lettuce he delivered.

He had enjoyed his time with Braedan so much that he wished to write him love letters to mail him. The love letter was sent off right way and awaits Braedan’s reaction.

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Alum wished to travel to China. And since Riordan had a travel wish for awhile, Alum took Riordan, Mint, and Hazel to China.

Alum went to the market place to meet a local and then gave her a ink blot test. He’s gotten better at make friends here.

Alum finished up an opportunity that was left from the last time he visited. He also purchased a training dummy to take home.

The family didn’t do much else while in China. Hazel and Alum challenged each other to multiple chess games, while Mint spent most of the time reading.

On returning home, the first thing Alum wanted to do was to tend to his garden. A couple of the plants where planted by Almond, who wanted to learn how to garden. But with Alum tending to them, he made them grow better and Almond did.

Alum doesn’t wish for much so he bought a sim grub game to play with. I suppose since the slip ‘n’ slide was placed into storage for the winter, he needed an outside activity.

As Alum has two wishes for his kids to grow up well and hasn’t wished for anything else, he spends a lot of his time relaxing in his rocking chair while the family do their activities. He’s age must be getting to him. Almond joined the music career and enjoys playing the guitar all of the time.

He had another large spending spree wish and so the family gained a photo booth. Riordan and Alum tried it out on their own, more than once. This was probably not the best thing for Alum to spend Riordan’s paycheck on, but they do enjoy it.

Alum keeps losing and gaining nerd influence, but during a rousing video game he rolls the wish for a grandchild. This might not be possible since Anise isn’t seeing anyone and Almond and Melon haven’t wished for a child through they are family orientated and nurturing sims.

And Melon popped a baby bump, which was surprising as they don’t share a room or bed at the moment. I’m not sure when they even woohooed since they haven’t rolled wishes for it. Through Melon is hoping it’s a girl. Alum will be getting a grandchild, if he lives long enough.

Alum wishes to analysis his plant samples and then correlate the data at the science center. He was paid a little bit, but it wasn’t any new information for the scientists at the labs.

It was finally time for Alum to get to see Almond and Mint grow up into teens, so he wished to throw a birthday party. But first he wanted to chat with Riordan’s oldest son.

Mint went first, but his cake burst into flames and the party went nuts. Riordan started putting out the fire before the firefighter arrived and put it out and no one died from the fire.

So Hazel decided to go first since Mint had to wait for his cake to be purchased again. Hazel aged up well. She’s got an interesting look.

Then Alum skipped work to see Mint get to blow out candles on his new cake and age up as well. Mint successfully aged up without another fire.

Alum being the great parent that is determined to be to Mint and Hazel, he signs them up for afterschool classes now that they are teens. He thinks that it will be good for them.

After signing them up for Drama, Alum decides he also need to teach both of them to drive. Hazel had went to bed, but Mint was still up. So Mint was the first one to learn to drive and Alum took him out in the motive as it’s the best vehicle to learn to drive in.

The next day when Hazel was well rested, Alum took her to spend the day learning to drive in the snow. I guess if you can drive in the snow, you can drive in anything.

Proving that Hazel is Alum’s second favorite child, he gives her another gift, this time his tent as he won’t need it again.

Both Almond and Melon are wishing to get married, but the weather is still cold so they get engaged and married in the home with just their immediate family in attendance. Alum was ecstatic, so ecstatic he also wished to see Anise get married, but she’s not interested in getting married through she’s happy enough for her twin to.

The next evening snow is gone. Alum and Hazel have some father-daughter bonding with a game of sim grub. Which Hazel was in the lead most of the game, but Alum won in the end.

Almond was at work when Melon went to labor while relaxing on the couch. She distracted Alum from his autonomously garden tending.

Alum spent the rest of the evening relaxing in his rocking chair when his first grandchild was born. Almond and Melon had a little girl named Lemon. Also, Alum wished to have more grandchildren, but that looks to be unlikely at this time.

The upstairs was remodeled to give the young family their own room together. So now, Almond and Melon have a double bed and one of the old cribs in a room to use. They are pretty attentive parents.

Alum finally gets his chance to hold his granddaughter. He wished to rock with Lemon in the the rocking chair. Lemon looks green, but all of Riordan’s family is blue, so it’s kind of strange looking for her to be green.

Alum and Riordan still find time for each other weather playing chess together or just flirting with each other. Alum still in love with his husband and has the eternally faithful, they also celebrated an anniversary together.

Alum wished to buy a ping pong table, so it was added to the activity center of the upstairs. To join the exercise equipment that Anise wished for and the reason why she’s never around as she’s very athletic. Anise was voted most likely to be a star athlete but she wished to join the military and exercise so much that she mastered the athletic skill. Everyone took a turn at playing ping pong; Mint and Hazel was first, followed by Melon and Alum and then Hazel and Alum.

Almond was throwing Lemon her first birthday party, when Alum left the mortal coil again. Alum still wasn’t ready to go and begged Grim to let him stay for his granddaughter’s birthday. But without another flower, Grim said he had to go. Thus, did Alum pass on.

Almond was already taking Lemon to the cake so she aged up to a toddler amidst the saddest day for the family. The guests all rushed off from the party after the death of Alum, except for close family to Riordan.

The family was devastated, but Alum had lived a long life. He made it to 90, but was then revived by Grim due to the death flower and then lived again to 94. He mastered three skills of gardening, cooking, and handiness. Alum completed his lifetime wish of Perfect Garden and earned 274,560 happiness points. He had four children and saw the birth of a granddaughter. Thus ends the door 2 life of Alum Stirrings.

On weird note, my simself was still alive when Alum passed on which should have been impossible since she would have been the same age a Alum and I don’t think she should have had anything to extend her life. like the death flower did for him.

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Almond had the opportunity to make his imaginary friend real if he could find a rainbow gem. He searched on the weekend and didn’t find one on the surface, but one trip in the mausoleum resulted in a rainbow gem. So Almond successfully made Melon real. Anise has the same opportunity, but has been unsuccessful in finding a rainbow gem.

Melon turns out to be very usefully in the house as she cleans and is normally the first one to rush to one of the new twins. She’s a great help to Alum since Hazel and Mint tend to be needy at the same time.

With all the science that Alum has been doing he was gained in the nerd group. So Alum wished to mind meld and gain more knowlege.

Alum and Riordan had gained a digital fish tank as a wedding gift and finally had wall space in the upstairs to place. He likes to bring Hazel over to it to watch the fish.

Alum gets most of his rest in the rocking chair sometimes with Mint and other times with Hazel. He hasn’t touched his bed in days as he prefers the rocking chair and even wishes to rock with the babies in it.

Alum had just finished fixing the broken kitchen sink yet again, when the stove caught fire. It looks like Anise or Riordan left waffles in the oven and when to school or work hungry. Almond had grabbed a quick bowl of cereal before school so it wasn’t him.

The fire prompted Alum to wish to make the stove fireproof. A new stove was purchased and he started on making it fireproof. It took him all afternoon and into the evening. It actually took him so long Hazel had her birthday behind him. Hazel is adorable.

Mint also had a birthday upstairs in the nursery when Riordan got him out of the crib.

Prom was the same night and all three teenagers had attended. Almond and Melon had went to prom together and now are going steady and had a wonderful time. While Anise was denied dances with her crush and had several fights and just had a bad time all around even if she did get to be prom queen. After returning home they all had a late snake while Melon did her homework that she hadn’t finished.

Almond, Anise, and Melon have also apparently started a homework study group on their own. But they do block the upstairs bathroom.

Riordan rolled the first training wish and it was to potty train Hazel. She eventually got the hang of it.

Alum wasn’t far behind and wished to teach both Mint and Hazel to talk. Alum taught Mint first while Hazel was learning to potty. It took Mint a couple of sessions, but he did learn to talk.

Hazel somehow got on another sleep scheduled the rest of the house and was left out to her own devices. She found the blocks and just loved them.

Alum had been sleeping in the chair when he went outside and was abdulted by aliens. Alum was not happy about being taken.

Alum got around to teaching Hazel to talk after getting back from his abduction adventure. She might have learned just a bit faster than Mint did.

Alum successfully grew another money tree that he wished for and finally had enough outstanding steaks to bring to the restaurant. He took a quick trip to delivery them and came away with Omni seeds.

Alum continued to roll wishes for toddler training. After finishing up with talking, he rolled to teach Mint to walk and then to teach Hazel to walk. Alum was busy for several days to make sure both could walk without assistance.

Alum also rolled the wish to potty train Mint. Riordan didn’t get much time with his kids this time around. Alum was determined to be the best parent.

With all the toddler skills done, Alum took to just spending time with Hazel and Mint. He loves being the tickle monster. Alum also seems to have a favorite in Hazel this time around.

Alum also wished to run some other science experiments to level up his science skill. He seems to enjoy learning science.

Alum and Riordan both wanted to throw birthday parties for Hazel and Mint, so an actually party was thrown for them. Hazel went first to her cake.

Then Alum went to get Mint for his birthday cake time. It was pretty crowed for getting to the cake. Hazel and Mint look pretty similar in the face they just have different colored skin and eyes.

There was family game night. Alum and Riordan played chess. Riordan had reached world renowned surgeon and completed his life-time wish. Hazel and Mint played the video game system that Alum earned from the nerd crowd. The teenagers hid themselves upstairs doing homework again.

Alum and Riordan threw a birthday party for Anise and Almond, but Alum didn’t stay since he ran off to work. Anise went first and rolled the life-time wish of perfect mind, perfect body. Her face is a bit pinched looking and she favors Riordan’s family. (Anise has traits: Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, Genius, Vehicle Enthusiast, Disciplined)

Almond went next and he has the lifetime wish of hit movie composer. He has a lot of Alum’s looks, but a bit of Riordan there too. (He has traits of Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Genius, Brooding, Family orientated)

Alum was back to creating potions. He made a couple of more and then gave one to Almond as a birthday present. Almond was loved getting a gift from Alum. Almond is his favorite.

The whole family attended the graduation. Anise was valedictorian and voted mostly likely to be a super athlete. Almond was voted the most likely to run the world. Not sure why Melon didn’t get graduation robes or voted any kind of awards.

On returning home from graduation, Alum wished to fix the broken sink again. This sink breaks so much. He completed his repair and rolled the wish to make it unbreakable. Alum is done with constantly having this sink break. He made the sink unbreakable he next day since they had supper and bedtime.

Alum has wished several times to play chess and to play game with Hazel so they have spent a few evening with a game of chess. Hazel is his second favorite child.

Alum wished to master the handiness skill. To do this he made the bathtub unbreakable and then made the science center unbreakable which finished his goal to master handiness.

Furthering the idea that Hazel is second favorite child, Alum wishes to give her a gift. She loved the rock he gave her.

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Alum and Riordan was quick to wish to start training the twins. Alum started teaching Almond to walk. Riordan took to teaching Anise to talk.

Alum finished upgrading the computer to unbreakable which had been interrupted by the twins. He then proceeded to upgrade the television to boost the channels he could watch on it, which finished off his upgrading wish.

While Riordan was teaching Almond to talk, Alum went out to build an igloo with all the snow that was coming down. And after Riordan finished up with Almond, Alum showed him the igloo which they enjoyed camping out in it.

Alum also has a clear favorite in the twins and that is Almond. He is quick to pick up Almond to rock with him and to play with him.

Alum still finds time to take care of his house plants and the steak plants grow so slowly even when he fertilizes them. It looks like it will take quite awhile to fill this order of produce. He also takes a brief trip outside to talk with his dormant plants.

Riordan is a very attentive parent two Anise and Almond as he also teaches Anise to walk and starts Almond on his potty training. Alum finishes Almond’s potty training through. Riordan tackled Anise’s potty training.

Alum wished to read a cooking skill book and needed the third in the series. He didn’t have that book, but the library did, so he read it there. He gained a level and now plans on mastering the cooking skill.

Most of Alum’s rest is from rocking in the rocking chair. His favorite is Almond but sometime Anise will get to be held too. Almond likes to take the toys and play next to the plants and is just adorable.

Alum wished birthday parties for Almond and Anise, no guest showed up. Alum took both of them to the cakes. The first born Anise ended up going first.

Then it was Almond’s turn for the cake.

It was warm enough to work outside in the garden, so Alum had to get rid of weeds. He did manage to grow that other money tree that he wanted to.

Alum is slowly getting closer to mastering cooking skill and is cooking breakfast most mornings for the family. Through they don’t always eat it before leaving for school and work.

This is a family of geniuses who all love to play chess and now someone normally joins their games. So Alum no longer plays alone at the chess table.

Since Almond and Anise’s birthday, Alum has taken to buying activities for them. The first one was a chemistry set that he had to try out first without success. Riordan also had to try it out and he was more successful.

Eventually Alum was successful in creating a potion, during the party Riordan threw for his co-workers. Almond’s favorite activity is the chess set even during the party.

Alum wished to fix the sink again. This sink breaks so much and floods the whole kitchen area.

He had bought the chemistry set for the kids and had to use it first to make potions. They also bought a tree house for the kids and the adults tried it out first.

Alum had wished to master the cooking skill. He mastered it with another plate of fresh fruit pancakes for everyone to enjoy for breakfast.

Alum wished to make a few more potions, so he spent his free time creating new potions.

Alum still hasn’t managed to grow the outstanding steaks for the restaurant. He keeps gardening though, so hopefully, he will be successful soon.

Alum broke the sink again and this time didn’t wait days before wishing to fix it. He wanted to fix it soon after it was broken.

With Riordan quickly gaining several promotions since moving in with Alum, he’s bring in more money into the house. Alum was quick to spend it though on the kids and then on a science machine. He then wanted to learn the science skill as did Riordan.

Almond and Anise’s birthday came around, but no one wanted to throw a birthday party so it was just the family. Anise had hers first and the Almond his.

Alum quickly increased his skill in the science area and able to analyze the vegetables and fruits that he had on hand. After which he wanted to run experiments on the samples he had gathered. He really enjoys this skill.

Alum took a break from science to challenge his son to a trivia contest. In learning the science skill, Alum has become a nerd. After losing the trivia challenge, Alum then challenges Almond to a game of chess which he does win. Alum has a favorite child and it’s Almond.

Alum spend a lot of time alone during the day since his job is the early evening hours while Riordan is gone during the day for his job at the hospital and Almond and Anise are at school. So no one was home, when Alum felt a bit light on his head and was passing on. But Alum was not ready to go, he wanted to see Anise get an A and other things. Alum gifted Grim with a death flower he had grown and Grim allowed Alum to live again. He even thanked Alum for the present of a perfectly gown flower and that he’d keep it in a vase and think of Alum.

Dieing and then returning was extremely stressful on Alum. So as soon as Riordan came home he choose to woohoo with Riordan. He apparently found that that so fun that that’s what they did until they went to sleep. Alum was celebrating that he was still alive for his family.

Riordan had received several pieces of artwork from his ex-wife which was hung up for decorations in the house. Almond was gifted a guitar after his birthday, which he has taken to with easy.

Alum currently waiting on another money tree to grow that he wished for and he wished for Anise to get an A. So the rest of the wishes involved gaining a greater understanding of science and becoming more of a nerd.

Then Alum did something surprising, he vanished, no actually, he some how expecting another child. An elder sim shouldn’t have been able to manage this, but he did. Maybe it was coming back to life messed with age restriction. He also gained a level in the nerd social group.

Pretty much the only time Alum speaks to Anise is to tell her to do her homework, since he does want to see her earn an A in school.

Alum went back to working on his science skill and working on his samples. He missed Riordan’s birthday to elder. Riordan is looking forward to another child and Alum hopes it’s another boy. Riordan wants another daughter.

The sink was broken again and created a mess. The imaginary friends are good at mopping it up. Alum did roll a wish to fix it again, so that was good.

Alum was working on experiments on a plant sample when he went into labor. He did get his wish of a son, named Mint. Riordan also got his wish of a daughter, named Hazel. Alum had twins again and it’s all because someone in this house keeps turning the radio on and putting it on kids channel and I think it is Anise’s imaginary friend, since they spend a lot of time dancing.

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Alum spends a lot of time gardening after and before work as his garden outside has become alive again after the winter and cold spring. He was asked to grow cheese plants for the local restaurant, so he planted some better cheese plants outside to increase the amount of cheese he could provide.

Despite all of the gardening that he has been doing, Alum finds time to work on his logic skills by playing games of chess against himself. He seems to be losing to himself as he learns new ways to play.

Siobhan invites Alum to another party at her house. She’s the only one that invites Alum over. Alum chatted with her and then spoke with her dragon egg. It’s cute and I wonder if Alum would wish for one.

All of the gardening has finally produced enough of the excellent quality of cheese needed for the restaurant. They now want Alum to grow outstanding steak plants to provide them with produce. So Alum will have to pick up a steak to plant.

Alum wished to slide on the slip ‘n’ slide with Riordan and Riordan actually came over to hang out with Alum.

Alum wished to have a first kiss and found Riordan attractive, so he tried with him. At first Riordan was not receptive, so Alum had to get to know him better. Turns out after Riordan became best friends with Alum, he was agreeable for flirting and kissing.

They both took to flirting with each other for the rest of the evening. Alum wanted it to be a great date and Riordan had an idea on how to be a great time. It ended up being a great date for them.

With the cheeses delivered, the next time he went to work Alum sold all of his produce to bring in extra income. Alum could finally purchase the cheapest hot tub that he wished for. He also couldn’t wait to get into it after buying it.

Alum wanted to find some seeds and wanted to grow another money tree. So he spent some points to get a collector finder to make the seeds easier to find. Hopefully, the seeds he found will grow another money tree.

Alum had Riordan over again to look at stars this time. Riordan came after he got off of work and had moved up at the hospital. White and blue look good together.

Alum wished to woohoo with Riordan. They were already outside from star gazing, so they ended up in the hot tub before Riordan left for the evening.

The first frost of fall has put all of his trees into a dormant status and frozen rest of the plants up. Alum was hoping to get a few more plants grown.

The next day was warmer which allowed the perfect grapevine to finish growth and marked the eighth perfect plant that Alum grown. Alum’s lifetime wish was completed.

Alum invited Riordan over again to flirt with. And since Riordan was tired, Alum invited him to stay over so he could spend more time with Riordan. Alum and Riordan pretty much fulfilled Alum’s wishes all on their own.

Alum didn’t have to work the next day and it seems that Riordan didn’t either, since he hung out with Alum for the day. They just spent the day flirting, a short break Alum practiced his chess game, and key lime pie for food.

Before Riordan left since he needed to go home, he game Alum some flowers for fun time they had together for the weekend.

Alum woke up one morning looking ill, which was confusing since he hadn’t had any bad food. But looking at his moods, it was unknown illness, which was also unexpected.

Another warm fall day allowed Alum tend his outside garden and his steak plants are growing slowly. He did gather the last of the harvest before winter gets here.

It turns out Alum will be having a baby. A bit unexpected since there was no chimes and didn’t realize one time was risky for Alum.

He had broken the computer a while back from playing video games. Alum has now wished to repair the computer. He was carefully enough not to get electrocuted while fixing it.

Alum wished to read a pregnancy book, so Alum had a quick trip to the bookstore to pick up a book and a couple of toddler books too. He did finish reading it and he had also wished to get a rocking chair before getting the book.

Alum wished to upgrade something, so he makes the toilet self-cleaning. After which, he wished to upgrade five things, which will take sometime to accomplish. Alum is apparently nesting.

It was Spooky day and Alum threw a costume party. He couldn’t wear a costume and neither could Fiona, but everyone else he knew did. Riordan came as an investigator. Susie came has an astronaut and her husband Aiden came as a doctor. Siobhan didn’t couldn’t make it to the party, but the elder Maeve came with her husband. Alum served key lime pie from limes he grew.

The only upgrade that Alum could do was self-cleaning, so he upgraded the shower and kitchen sink to self-cleaning.

Alum took plenty of breaks while fixing stuff in the house, by relaxing in the rocking chair. I foresee much use of that chair.

Alum had gained a handiness level and learned how to upgrade to unbreakable. The computer was going to gain that upgrade, but Alum was interrupted as his child decided it was time to come.

Alum wanted a boy and came home with twins. And we’d only bought one crib, so another had to be found. I suspect that one of the guests at the party turned the radio on and turned to kids music since the music sounds are turned down.

Alum did get his boy, little Almond who is blue like Riordan. And also a little girl, Anise, who is also blue. Alum has a favorite and it’s Almond.

All the sleep Alum is getting is from the rocking chair and most of the time he has one of the babies. This time it was Anise. He also wished to get married.

Alum invited Riordan over so that he propose to him. But first he had to get Riordan to leave his wife and son, which was quickly done. But after becoming Alum’s official boyfriend, Riordan left. Alum will have to have Riordan over again.

Too soon, Alum had his elder birthday. He’s not happy about it, but he really doesn’t change too much in looks.

Riordan was agreeable to come over the next day and he accepted Alum’s marriage proposal and they had a private wedding in the bathroom since Riordan ran off to use it before participating the private wedding.

It was also the twins’ birthday and they became toddlers. Almond has Riordan’s skin and hair color, but Alum’s eye color. Almond is just adorable.

Anise ended up with Riordan’s eye color and skin color and Alum’s hair color. Those yellow eyes that she and Riordan have are a bit piercing from a blue face.

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Alum plays chess in his free time, so he has increase his logic skill. Which led him to have to discuss logic with Siobhan, this lets him make his first friend. She even now calls to chat with Alum on occasian.

Alum wished to use the telescope, he want wanted and he even leveled up logic again.

And this is the reason why, Alum does not need a slip n slide. He even goes to play on it in winter.

Alum had gotten better at cooking even if he still always burns waffles, but not the pancakes. So Susie had him come by the restaurant to discuss recipes with him. He’s almost friends with her now.

Alum didn’t have much else planned for the day, so he hung out at the restaurant. He did speak to Fiona again and met Aiden, who is now also almost his friend both are teenagers.

Alum decided to fish and the snow elf, blends in with the snow on the bank of the river.

Alum wished to grow a flame fruit, which will require a trip to Egypt to obtain. So he spent his days fishing, tending to the garden plants in the house and going to work to earn enough money for another travel trip and still pay his bills.

Alum also hung lights on his home by the time he had earned enough for his trip. So he left the snowy landscape for the hot desert.

Alum headed to the Pyramid of the Burning sands where the flame fruits can be found. But the way was barred, the key is part of a questline, so back to the basecamp to pick up an adventure which will hopefully lead to this door.

Alum finally tracks down his contact Youssef, but it took him well into the night, in which he passed out afterward. Youssef gave Alum the starting quest to retrieve an item from Tomb of Discovery and then gave Alum a new contact when the item was returned.

The new contact had Alum retrieve gems for him and the speak to the locals about the corporation. Which Alum finished did as requested.

Alum was awarded the keystone that allowed entry into the section that housed the flame fruits. Alum was to retrieve them and return them to the contact, but Alum’s whole purpose of this trip was for a flame fruit plant of his own to grow, so he will not be handing over the fruit. As it was he barely had time to grab one before he had to rush to leave to return to Dragon Valley..

On returning home, Alum planted his flame fruit. He also tended to the rest of the plants in the house. The watermelon vine was starting to wilt.

Alum took time to use his telescope to find a star.

Susie invited Alum to her party. Alum didn’t go inside, instead he made a snow man, now Susie has a couple of snowmen on her front lawn.

Alum did bit more fishing since he wanted some fertilizers for the garden and after that he decided to try his hand at making sushi with his fresh fish.

Alum threw a gift giving party and invited everyone he knew in town. Susie and Aiden came together since they are expecting a child together. Dillon left after he opened his present. Siobhan came and had a great time. Maeve had became an elder; she stayed the longest but wasn’t happy about the party.

Alum has finally decided he needed to fix his flooding kitchen area by fixing the leaking sink. It sure is about time he did something about it. He also wished to fix the toilet too. So Alum ended up learning the handiness skill.

Alum did a lot of gardening and going to work until his adult birthday hit him. He’s having a mid-life crisis and had aged up with a shaved head.

Alum wished to work out and has learned the athletic skill. I guess he thought he need some new activities for his older age.

Alum’s flame fruit plant grew and he has grown a perfect tomato plant. So he has been keeping up with his garden abilities.

Alum’s mid-life crisis has him changing his hairstyle again and growing out some facial hair. He also spends too much of his free time standing in front of his mirror complaining about wrinkles while waiting on his plants to grow.

Alum decided to spend some time with Riordan Mithenril and became his friend with some chatting and then some slip n slide fun.

It was love day and Alum rolled the wish to kiss someone. Since Riordan was already here, Alum tried flirting with him, but he wasn’t interested as he’s currently seeing someone.

A late spring snow blew in and Alum froze solid after changing into his outerwear. He really needs to put up that slip n slide during cold weather. Lucky for Alum, Riordan did come to help him.

It was late in the day, but Alum came in blue and took a shower while Riordan said he was leaving. As Love day ended, his kiss wish disappeared without him getting it done. So, Alum decided he needed to fix the sink again as it was spewing water in the kitchen again.

It also turned out that Riordan didn’t actually go home, he was frozen outside for awhile. He de-thawed on his own and came into Alum’s home to take a shower. Alum went over to give him a hug, but got shut down again.

Alum spends wishes on playing chess and gardening. He’s gotten better at playing against himself in chess and his flame fruit has born fruit. Also he has started growing cheese for the restaurant.

Alum found another star and he had to buy a new telescope to use since the other telescope was stolen. The thief never entered the house so the alarm didn’t go off.

Alum wished to learn the charisma skill and he got to spend sometime in front of the mirror without worry about wrinkles. He did learn the skill through, hopefully, this helps him with his friendships.

His best friend is Siobhan and she threw a party and had Alum attend. There wasn’t much going on at her party. But he did chat with her before leaving to go home to bed.

Alum did wish to play hopscotch with Riordan. So after work one day, he invited Riordan over and purchased a hopscotch court. It was a short game as Riordan didn’t stay long, probably due to being tired from a full day at work at the hospital.

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In the life of the second door, Alum takes a part-time job at the grocery store. And thus this life of Alum starts.

Alum first wishes to learn the gardening skill and take a class. He doesn’t have enough funds to take a gardening class, so he’ll go and harvest some food to eat and sell to get him by until he gets paid at work and hopefully get him started on his gardening.

Alum didn’t have time to plant his produce since he had to take care of his hungry stomach and then go to bed. He had spent too much time harvesting in community garden.

He did play a bit of chess before heading out to sell his produce and hopefully have enough to attend the gardening class.

He took his class in gardening and learned the basics of garden and it was time for him to collect some fruits and vegetables and grow them in his garden. Also, he wants to travel to China, so he will have to do a lot of selling since his job doesn’t pay much.

After work he got his garden planted and then enjoyed a bit of video games on his computer before bed.

Alum’s garden had sprouted and now he has to do some weeding on the young plants.

Alum wished to read a gardening book and he doesn’t have one on his bookshelf, so he took a trip to the public library after work. He read a book there, which was strangely empty of any sims.

The next day Alum wished to learn the logic skill. As he love the outdoors, the best way to learn is to play some chess at the park and he met Maeve. Maeve was there with her husband and toddler who is learning to talk in the background.

It took awhile, but he was able to find a seed in the neighborhood park. He then proceeded to begin fishing after finding the seed.

Sometimes Alum doesn’t get to his garden until after work. But the weeds are calling for him and he did have a fish to fertilize them with, so he was able to get that done. And he had his first harvest as well.

Alum was asked to bring in some very nice lettuce and realized he hadn’t planted in lettuce in his garden. So he made a trip to the local gardens to collect some lettuce, but that lettace wasn’t good enough. It turns out that Alum couldn’t grow the lettuce fast enough to provide them.

It was leisure day and Alum wished to go swimming in the ocean. I’m not sure how safe this is as there was a shark out there.

After finishing up swimming in the ocean, Alum wished to visit the local pool. But instead checking it out, he got out of the rain in the bathroom. He learned the social network skill and the created his gardening blog.

Alum want to buy a new recipe, so he purchased the cheapest one the bookstore had and proceeded to learn the recipe.

Leisure day was on a Friday, so Alum had a three day weekend. He was getting lonely not interacting with anyone and so he went to the park where people tend to gather. But when he arrived no one was there.

He tried to call the three sims that he had met, but no one wanted to talk to him. There where two at the gym so he head over there, but they left without stopping to talk to Alum. He’s pretty lonely at this point. Poor boy, no one will socialize with him.

On looking around town, no one is at any of the parks or bars in town. He finally finds a teenage at the library, so he met Fiona and talked to her.

Fiona wondered off, so Alum was scanning for a book to read. Since he wanted read a logic book, he read that book. He was joined by my simself and two other ladies all reading books. So sims came out once he was occupied.

He is trying to save to go to China, but he wanted a telescope and so one was bought and he used it for fun.

Alum tended to his garden and he had lots to harvest today. His garden is coming along even if the weeds have invaded again. He also had bought the garden helper to water his garden.

After work he was feeling sick and wanted a flu shot, so he spent more money on that. He keeps wishing to spend money and to garden.

Alum received a raise and then a promotion at work and with this extra money, he can now barely afford a trip after he paid his bills. So off to China Alum will travel.

Alum mainly spent his time visiting the sights. On day one, he went to market and hung out with swimming and playing a game of chess with a local. He also received a suntan of stunning bronze look.

On the second day, Alum traveled up to the Temple of Heaven. It took him awhile to reach it and he didn’t stay long before returning to the base camp.

On the the last day, Alum visited the market place again and wondered off to read a book. But he didn’t want to buy anything. He did a bit more swimming before returning home.

At home, he tended to his garden and realize that fall is arriving. He is attempting to grow an outstanding apple tree, but they are going dormant now.

Since fall is here and Alum wants to have 18 plants, he had to bring some of the garden into the house with some planters. Now, he’ll just have to tend to them.

He also has completed some more fishing to use as fertilizer for his house plants. And Alum started an onion plant.

He’s reached level three in his part-time job and has had a couple of raises. Alum rewarded himself with a slip ‘n’ slide, since he loves outdoor activities.

Spooky day arrived and Alum had trick or treaters come to his door. He chatted a bit with the teenager that he shares the hopeless romantic trait with, before they left with their candy.

When Alum left work one day, it was very busy as he went back inside to sell his produce. My simself was carrying a toddler around with elven ears and she’s pregnant. I don’t think in any game that I put her in she has children, this is a first.

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As soon as the birthday party was done, Alum wished to teach Cinnamon to walk. And not to be outdone, Aiden chooses to teach Nutmeg to walk. Also, Markus didn’t leave, he just hung around the house for a day after the party.

Alum finds time to spend with Rose. He showed off his frisbee skills, hopefully, he doesn’t hurt himself with some of the moves he pulls off. And then since both wanted to fish, they go to the nearby pond to bond over their shared love of fishing.

Alum likes to nap in his elder age in the rocking chair he had to buy. And he can muse over all of his achievements too.

Aiden threw a birthday party for Clove. He’s a cutie.

During the birthday party some how the twins ended up outside in the garden. Don’t know how since the nursery is in the upstairs. Alum had to go and get them, through the girls enjoyed the outside just like their fathers.

Alum has been spending several nights at the graveyard in his attempt to catch a deathfish. He is finally successful in his endeavor. After completing the wish, Alum wishes to learn how to make ambrosia. He does stop by and buys the recipe, but he’s not high enough skill in cooking to understand the recipe.

Alum wished to potty train Nutmeg and Nutmeg just hates it. Alum eventually gets her potty trained but it was a hassle.

Alum also wished to potty train Cinnamon. She was a lot easier to potty train than her twin.

Both girls have gotten started on learning to talk. Alum began teaching Nutmeg and Aiden started on Cinnamon.

Neither finished teaching the twins to talk as Alum was throwing a birthday party for Rose. He of course invited the extended family and his co-workers. Rose is a very pretty teen.

Alum is also working on his cooking skill, but it’s slow going. Sometimes he listens to a tabcast instead of cooking a meal that will get wasted. I think he’s reached level 8 in the skill so two more levels before he can learn ambrosia.

Cinnamon and Nutmeg do eventually finish up learning to talk.

The same expression on the faces of father and daughter is adorable. Alum does take time to play with twins too.

Since he has wishes that take time some times he just wonders around the house since he’s not been called back to work. He watches the twins sleep and takes naps in the rocking chair. He’s waiting for girls to reach their birthday and for Rose to graduate as well as trying to skill his cooking for ambrosia.

But alas, Alum will not see those wishes finished. For death has come for him. His family is devastated, but Alum goes with death as he has had a long life and accomplished much in his life. Alum graduated with a degree in medicine, reached the top of his career, grew the prefect garden, and then got married and had four children.

And by his family took it hard. Clove is really inconsolable. Aiden took of gardening as a career to remember Alum and refuses to sleep in their bed and instead joins the children in their room on the bunkbeds. And thus ends the first door.


Alum had lived past his 90 day lifespan and had earned 291k happiness points in his life, but didn’t eat those life fruits he had grown from a mystery seed. Aiden actually has the ‘oh my ghost’ opportunity and wished to revive Alum’s ghost, but felt that wasn’t in the spirit of the challenge.

I did want to see what the kids would look like grown so I saved them and aged them up in CAS. I like that they are all just slightly different in their looks and their so pretty sims.

Rose O’Connell-Stirrings
Clove O’Connell-Stirrings
Cinnamon O’Connell-Stirrings
Nutmeg O’Connell-Stirrings

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Alum received an opportunity to provide dragonfish to the military. However, upon learning that he’s not quite skilled enough to catch them, Alum is working on his fishing skill. While out fishing he wished to get married. I suppose that’s what left for Alum to do since he had reached the top of his career and had his perfect garden.

Aiden couldn’t come over, so while I looked for where Aiden could be, Alum worked on getting those potions made.

It seems that Aiden finally moved out of his parent’s home and into his own home. Alum arrived there, but Aiden had left already.

Alum convinces Aiden to come over and he does. Aiden accepts Alum marriage proposal and they have a private wedding right there. If they didn’t, Aiden would probably say no to a wedding ceremony.

Aiden thinks the home perfectly decorated. Maybe because of the plants since both love the outdoors and Alum’s brought a bit of that inside. Alum’s in bliss of a newlywed.

Aiden brought a smushed faced dog named Zoe with him and then we had to alter Alum’s home as they needed a bit more room.

Also Aiden had a new baby daughter to bring with us another reason the house had to be expanded with an upstairs. Alum loves little Rosanna, called Rose from now on.

They have four days off due to their marriage from work. So when Alum is not tending to Rose, Aiden drags him off for woohoo.

Alum found time to work on potions and he’s second one to discover is the young again potion.

While Alum was discovering potions, Rose aged up to a toddler by herself. She’s a cutie, but color wise favor’s the O’Connell family rather that Alum.

Aiden after moving in quit his job and is a stay at home dad, so the only income they have is Alum’s doctor salary. At least Aiden is being a good dad and taught Rose to walk and covered potty training.

Alum works on discoving all potions, but takes a break when fails to tend his garden. I think it’s his stress relief.

Alum enjoys Zoe. He’ll autonomously play and brush her. She’s an elderly dog and pretty attached to the guys.

Alum had was successfully in discovering two more potions. He’s getting there.

Alum wished to teach Rose to talk. He spent a day teaching her to talk.

Alum and Aiden both want another child. And Alum is yet again reading the pregnancy book stolen from the university dorm. They will have another child, Alum hopes its a girl.

Grim came for Zoe while she was playing outside in the snow. The house is sad and will miss the dog.

Alum discovered another potion, so one more step closer.

They were grieving when their son arrived. He was named Clove. So, Alum still has his have a daughter wish. He’s getting rather old, so not surer if that’s going to happen or not.

Zoe’s ghost visited after the birth of Clove. She slept in her bed.

Alum has finished discovering all of the chemistry potions.

Alum is glad to be done with the potions and has fun with Rose now. Their faces may be similar.

Aiden also wants to have another child with Alum, so I guess they could try again for girl if it happens it happens.

Alum wished to throw Rose a birthday party and invited Aiden’s relatives and his co-workers. Rose has two older half-brothers. Looking at Aiden’s family tree and contacts found two teenage sons Markus and Benjamin. The boys’ mother is married to Aiden’s older sister, so apparently he father children for them to raise.

Clove did not get a birthday party, but he aged up as well by himself upstairs. Clove favors Alum a lot, but has a darker red hair. I wonder if one of his O’Connell grandparents had that shade.

The will be one more baby and this time both want a girl and Aiden will be gorging on Watermelons.

Alum tackled the potty training this time around. Clove learned it pretty quickly.

Aiden took over teaching Clove to talk and walk. Clove learns quicker than his older sister did.

The family gathers in the living room all together. Aiden is resting while Rose came in there to eat. Alum playing with his son.

Zoe visited again while Aiden and Alum was at the hospital for the birth of the newest child. Zoe did play with Rose and received some treats from her.

They had twin girls Cinnamon and Nutmeg. And they are a crib short for two babies and a toddler.

Alum reached level nine in the fishing skill and will now be able to catch the dragonfish. He made plans to visit China to find them.

First thing is track down the pools where the dragonfish lives and fish. It does take Alum all day but he does catch three dragonfish. He also wished to master the fishing skill and spent rest of the day fishing.

He was too tired to make it back to base camp, so he camped out in a tent that he had on hand. Alum enjoyed camping outdoors.

Aiden came on Alum’s trip to China, but he wondered around visiting sites before ending up at the Academy and threw himself in to learning the the martial arts skill.

Alum had mastered fishing and wanted to visit the academy as well and also learn the martial arts skill. After learning the basics he wished to spar, so Aiden sparred with him and both gained another level.

Alum then wished to practice on the board breaker until he levels up again, so now both are level three in martial arts.

Alum got a phone call to participate in some spars. So he first sparred with an elder and then sparred with a ranked opponent later which he lost. He is at level four now.

Then Alum was asked to meditate in the gardens, so he had to go and practice with the boards until he reached level five in martial arts skill and then enjoyed a relaxing meditation session.

Soon Alum and Aiden headed home. Once home, Alum began a search to catch a deathfish, since he had wished to catch one. He hasn’t been successful yet.

Alum hasn’t been back to work since Clove was born and the hospital is still paying him. I think there’s an issue going on, so Alum has time to spend with his family. Rose plays tag with him in her costume.

Alum wished to throw a birthday party for Nutmeg and Aiden wished to throw a birthday party for Cinnamon, so Alum threw a birthday party with two cakes. Aiden grabbed up Cinnamon and took her to her cake. And she another red head in the family.

Alum brought Nutmeg to her cake next. She’s the only one with Alum’s eye color and also has his ears. But Aiden’s red head genes are in full force.

Extended family photo op. Alum sticks out a bit in this group of red heads. Aiden is sitting next to Alum. Across from Alum is Markus & Ben’s mother and Aiden’s sister-in-law. Brian is standing next to the sink and is Aiden’s brother. Markus is eating cake and Ben’s standing by the the counter.

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Alum has mastered his gardening skill and hung the certificate with this diplomas. He still finds time to enjoy gardening through. He want to make sure they grow well.

Alum wants to give his friend Aiden a gift. Since he still has that experience a romance wish, he’s going to try with Aiden, but Aiden will not meet up for a date. So, we track him down and follow Aiden after he gets off work to give him a gift of fresh produce, which Aiden loves since he loves the outdoors too.

Alum is also on board with this since his next wish after giving Aiden a gift is a first kiss with him. But flirting doesn’t seem to work at the friend stage with Aiden. And Alum has to work at becoming Aiden’s friend again.

Alum; “You’re the one that want to fly away with” – Aiden: “No”

Alum then talks with Aiden about the outdoors and everything else and they become good friends. The have the love the outdoors and compatible signs in common. Aiden doesn’t mind talking about gardening either. But still rejects Alum’s flirting, which drops their relationship down a notch.

Alum: “You’re prettier than my flowers I’ve grown.” – Aiden – “No”

Alum and Aide chat until they make best friend status after giving some more fresh vegetables from Alum’s garden.

Finally, at the this stage, Alum tries to butter Aiden up with flowers and it works. Aiden accepts the flowers. So after some hard work and wooing, Alum get his romance wish and first kiss with Aiden completed. Aiden was a lot of work and also a red head like Harold was. Alum seems that he might like red-heads in this life.

After the kiss, Alum asked Aiden to watch the stars with him. Aiden fled as soon as Alum touched his hand through it did complete the wish.

The summer holiday came around and Alum wants to throw a pool party. Alum makes plenty now at work, so a pool at his home was built. He also wanted to buy the pool lounger and the float on it. He invited his co-workers and friends for the pool party. It looks like his guests all enjoyed the pool.

Alum still rolls with his wishes for his garden. He’s getting closer to his lifetime wish.

Alum is still at the neurosurgeon level at work, but wishes to top his career. On leaving work, Alum witness’s the death of Mrs. O’Connell.

He does have a wish to go on a date with Aiden O’Connell, but he hadn’t wanted to go out on a date. Since Aiden, will not meet Alum in town for a date, Alum tries just inviting him over to Alum’s house and it works. Also, his flame fruit is finally full grown and bear fruit of it’s own.

Alum then rolled a wish for woohoo with Aiden. Aiden was agreeable for once about Alum interactions on the first try. The date ended rather un-expectantly as Alum had to rush to an emergency at the hospital, being a doctor is busy work at times.

Alum also has been practicing his street art skills in the front yard. Three of Alum’s perfect plants are in the house and another couple are outside. Through the flame fruit is only great quality.

Alum has a day off in the middle of the week and spent some free time swimming and practicing chess. He would like another date with Aiden, but he’s at work or won’t go out with Alum.

Here is Alum showing off his new uniform for work and has reached the top of his career. The mayor even gave Alum an award for all his community work at the hospital. Alum still gives his vaccination clinics again in the graveyard.

Aiden showed up after the vaccination clinic had ended. It seems like the cemetery is a gathering place for everyone after work. Alum asks Aiden out on a date and is rejected. But does agree to a friendly come over to Alum’s home.

Aiden is just so much agreeable to Alum’s advance at Alum’s home. It’s like he doesn’t want to seen with Alum, but he has the loves the outdoor trait so shouldn’t be due to being outside.

And the first use of the trampoline that Alum just had to buy after one of his promotions. He and Aiden jump together.

Alum’s became an elder as I forgot to watch his age and Alum was at first excited and then sad that he become older. Aiden seemed okay with it.

Aiden fulfilled a few more wishes that he rolled one after another with flirting with Aiden which led them to woohoo again on their own.

This plant in the front is the 8th perfect plant raised by Alum, so he has finished his lifetime wish of perfect garden.

Another home date for Alum and Aiden since that’s just easier for Aiden to accept. Aiden ended up staying rest of the day and they found several activities to do together. And it turns out that Aiden has a little dragon and brought it with him and it sat on his shoulder.

Alum is completely smitten with Aiden. He just walks around with an adorable face.

The hospital was sending Alum to Egypt to pick up some scarab beetles. These little things were difficult to find since he needed to come back with six of them.

While I was busy looking for them so he could collect them, he learned a new skill with his phone. Also he wished to master the logic skills, so he starts to listen to some logic tabcast while searching for the scarabs.

Alum apparently brought his pool lounger and spent an afternoon in the ‘pool’ in the middle of the market place. He came way with a perfectly bronzed sun tan. I suppose he got a little darker than his perfectly pale skin.

He also increase his street art skill at the base camp. He did eventually collect all six of the scarabs he needed and returned home.

I had thought Alum forgot about his science skill, but he did want to experiment with a gene slicing experiment. It was success, but hasn’t done anything else with the science equipment.

Alum mastered the logic skill and proceeded to roll the wish to learn all chemistry potions. He’s never made one before, so one purchase later he started in on the potions. This may take him awhile.

Alum threw a feast day party and invited all of his friends. Aiden did not show up for some reason, but Aiden’s brother, Brian, crashed the party. For some reason my simself wore a swimsuit, but so did Alum. It must be the allure of the slip n slide even as winter approaches it calls to sims to play on.

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